PreorderAlexa Voice Remote for Amazon Echo
Informasi Produk Alexa Voice Remote for Amazon Echo
Alexa Voice Remote for Amazon Echo
- 100% Original
- Barang Baru dan tersegel
- Garansi International 1 Tahun
- 7 hari ganti baru (jika ada kerusakan pabrik)
- Wajib Asuransi
- Official remote for Echo Plus, Echo (1st and 2nd generation), Echo Dot, Echo Show, and Echo Spot. (Not compatible with
Amazon Tap)
- Connects to Echo Plus, Echo (1st and 2nd generation), Echo Dot, Echo Show, and Echo Spot via Bluetooth
- Includes an integrated microphone for when you are too far away or it's too noisy for Echo to hear you
- Dedicated buttons for volume up, volume down, play/pause, previous, and next
- Echo Plus, Echo (1st and 2nd generation), Echo Dot, Echo Show, and Echo Spot work with one remote at a time
Catatan :
* Periksa kembali sebelum membeli
* Pastikan tipe barang, warna dan jumlah barang sudah sesuai
* Barang yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dikembalikan
* Periode pengembalian 7 hari sejak barang diterima
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