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Logitech Harmony 950 Touch IR Remote Control

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{{ selectedSKU.sku_display }}
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Informasi Produk Logitech Harmony 950 Touch IR Remote Control

Logitech Harmony 950 Touch IR Remote Control

Catatan : 

* Periksa kembali sebelum membeli
* Pastikan tipe barang, warna dan jumlah barang sudah sesuai
* Barang yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dikembalikan
* Periode pengembalian 7 hari sejak barang diterima

Logitech Harmony 950 Touch IR Remote Control for up to 15 Entertainment Devices
- 100% Original

- One-touch activities: touch an activity like "watch a movie" to automatically power on and switch devices to the right settings
- Full Color touchscreen: simply swipe and tap like your smartphone to control channels, volume, 50 favorite channels and more
- Motion-activated backlit buttons: find the right button every time, even in the dark. Customize the dedicated media playback, cable/satellite, and DVR controls to your preferences
- Charging Station: keeps your remote powered and within easy reach; Change channels, adjust volume, fast-forward, or rewind using gestures on the bright 2.4 Inch touchscreen
- Works with over 270,000 devices: all in one remote controls your TV, satellite or cable box, Apple TV, Roku, tivo, Blu-ray player and game console

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Diskusi Produk Logitech Harmony 950 Touch IR Remote Control

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Logitech Harmony 950 Touch IR Remote Control
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