PreorderNEEO - Smart Home Remote
Informasi Produk NEEO - Smart Home Remote
NEEO - Smart Home Remote
Catatan :
* Periksa kembali sebelum membeli
* Pastikan tipe barang, warna dan jumlah barang sudah sesuai
* Barang yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dikembalikan
* Periode pengembalian 7 hari sejak barang diterima
NEEO - Smart Home Remote & Hub | The universal home automation system which controls your TV, Music, Philips Hue, Roku and 60'000 other devices.
- 100% Original
- NEEO is a smart home automation system and comes with a Remote and a hub, called Brain
- Works with the devices you already own like TVs, cable boxes, sound bars, game consoles and music systems
- Works with all major smart devices like smart lights (Philips HUE, LIFX, IKEA TRÅDFRI etc.), entertainment products like Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Google Chromecast, Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One, and smart home sensors & devices on Z-Wave, Wifi and much more
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