PreorderDRL Controller Light Relay Harness 12-18V
Informasi Produk DRL Controller Light Relay Harness 12-18V
- 100% Brand new and high quality
- Mini shape,light weight and waterproof
- Fit for all Brand of cars
- Time-lapse power off function
- SImple installation,with no need to change any electric line
- Intelligent start up:when the engine is started,the daytime running lights light automatically.when the engine is flameout,the daytime running lights turns off with the delay of 15s
Color: Black
Material: ABS
Size: 3.9 x 2.1 x 1.7cm(L x W x H)
Weight: 32g
Voltage: 12-18V
Working current: 5A
time-lapse power off: 15s
Wiring Instruction:
- The red and black wire (the end with a fuse) are connected directly to the car battery + & - .
- The red wire goes to positive pole of the LED daytime running lights, the black wire of the output end is to goes to the negative pole of the daytime running lights.
- The yellow wire is to connect to the headlights (or dashboard lights), when headlights or dashboard lights are turned on, the brightness of the LED daytime running lights will be halved.
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