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AirsPops Bottle Coil - AirPops Authentic by AirScream

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Dropship Rp 5.000
Berat {{ selectedSKU.weight_information }}
Volume {{ selectedSKUVolume(selectedSKU.volume)}}
Asuransi Pengiriman: Opsional
Estimasi pengiriman barang dimulai dari tanggal {{ selectedSKU.pre_order.formatted }}.
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Data penjualan selama 1 bulan terakhir
100% transaksi sukses
< 1 Hari kecepatan kirim
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{{ selectedSKU.sku_display }}
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Informasi Produk AirsPops Bottle Coil - AirPops Authentic by AirScream

Bottle Coil
by AirsPop Authentic
Two types of resistance coils to match your preference:
• 1.0 Ohm: suitable for MTL, recommended for 40-50VG ratio e-liquids.
• 0.6 Ohm: suitable for DTL, recommended for 40-60VG ratio e-liquids.
For best experience, we recommend replacing the coil after every 3-5 full tank refills, or when changing flavours.
Each pack contains four (4) bottle. by AirsPops coils.
Price for 1 Coil
Please ensure your selected coil resistance is correct before finalising purchase.
For use on bottle. by AirsPops only.




























































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Diskusi Produk AirsPops Bottle Coil - AirPops Authentic by AirScream

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AirsPops Bottle Coil - AirPops Authentic by AirScream
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