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Cartridge Uwell Popreel N1 - Pod Replacement Catridge Authentic

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Informasi Produk Cartridge Uwell Popreel N1 - Pod Replacement Catridge Authentic

Cartridge Uwell Popreel N1 Pod Replacement
*100% Authentic by Uwell Tech

Uwell Popreel N1 Pod Cartridge is Uwell Popreel N1 Pod System Kit 520mah. Uwell Popreel N1 is a transparent cartridge, showing the e-juice level clearly. Popreel N1 cartridge is compatible with FeCrAI UN2 Meshed-H 1.2Ω coil with Pro-FOCS technology for best flavor.

Parameter :
- Capacity : 2ml
- Resistance : FeCrAI UN2 Meshed-H 1.2Ω
- Pro-FOCS technology
- Transparent cartridge, monitor the e-juice easily

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Cartridge Uwell Popreel N1 - Pod Replacement Catridge Authentic
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