DotShell RBA Authentic - for dotMod AIO
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Informasi Produk DotShell RBA Authentic - for dotMod AIO
DotShell RBA
100% Authentic
– Air flow tuning via an AFCS Ring adjusting from zero to either D=3.8mm (stock Pos Tube)
– M2.5mm pan head phillips post screws.
– 12.2mm post-to-post length, ~8.5mm post-to-post net space , ~8.0mm coil space.
– Max. net coiling height in the chamber 4.2mm
– Chimney top inner D ~4.0mm
– Height ~35mm [AFC section attached, Rebuild Base excl.]
– Weight ~25g [AFCS section attached, Rebuild Base excl.]
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DotShell RBA Authentic - for dotMod AIO