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DotStick Revo 35W 700Mah - Dot Stick Pod Kit Authentic By DotMod

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Dropship Rp 5.000
Berat {{ selectedSKU.weight_information }}
Volume {{ selectedSKUVolume(selectedSKU.volume)}}
Asuransi Pengiriman: Opsional
Estimasi pengiriman barang dimulai dari tanggal {{ selectedSKU.pre_order.formatted }}.
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Data penjualan selama 1 bulan terakhir
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< 1 Hari kecepatan kirim
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{{ selectedSKU.sku_display }}
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Informasi Produk DotStick Revo 35W 700Mah - Dot Stick Pod Kit Authentic By DotMod

*100% Authentic By DotMod

dotStick Revo, is the first vape to utilize a Supercapacitor instead of a lithium-ion battery. The benefits of a supercapacitor over a battery are endless, Supercapacitors can be charged and discharged over 15,000 times with minimal degradation, whereas a normal lithium-ion battery can only be charged and discharged 300 times or less with the same loss. This makes supercapacitors extremely useful in applications requiring frequent energy storage and release

- Supercapacitor equivalent to a 700mah lithium-ion battery
- 3.5ml tank
- 5w – 35w output range
- Compatible with all 0.3 ohm or higher dotCoils (dotAIO V2 & dotTank 25mm)
- 5-minute charging with any 30w + charger (sold separately)
- Available in 6 colors (Clear, Smoke, Green, Orange, Red, and Purple)

1X dotStick Revo
1X 3.5 ml tank (PCTG)
1X 0.7 Ohm dotCoil
1X 0.9 Ohm dotCoil
1X Drip Tips
1X Standard USB-C cable


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Diskusi Produk DotStick Revo 35W 700Mah - Dot Stick Pod Kit Authentic By DotMod

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DotStick Revo 35W 700Mah - Dot Stick Pod Kit Authentic By DotMod
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