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HK Ice Cream Series 60mL - Liquid by Wise Juice x Arrifarisan

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Dropship Rp 5.000
Berat {{ selectedSKU.weight_information }}
Volume {{ selectedSKUVolume(selectedSKU.volume)}}
Asuransi Pengiriman: Opsional
Estimasi pengiriman barang dimulai dari tanggal {{ selectedSKU.pre_order.formatted }}.
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store Informasi Penjual
Data penjualan selama 1 bulan terakhir
100% transaksi sukses
< 1 Hari kecepatan kirim
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{{ selectedSKU.sku_display }}
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Informasi Produk HK Ice Cream Series 60mL - Liquid by Wise Juice x Arrifarisan

Happi Krunch
Flavor :
• Chocolate = Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream
• Strawberry = Strawberry and Vanilla Ice Cream
• Caramel = Caramel and Butterscotch Ice Cream
• Blueberry = Blueberry Vanilla Ice Cream
• Matcha = Matcha Vanilla Ice Cream
- Volume : 60ml
- Nicotine : 3mg / 6mg
- PG/VG : 40/60
*100% Original Brewed By : Wicejuice x Ariffarisan






















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Diskusi Produk HK Ice Cream Series 60mL - Liquid by Wise Juice x Arrifarisan

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HK Ice Cream Series 60mL - Liquid by Wise Juice x Arrifarisan
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