Lost Vape UB Lite Series Coil Authentic by Lostvape
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Informasi Produk Lost Vape UB Lite Series Coil Authentic by Lostvape
Coil UB Lite Series
*100% Authentic by Lost Vape
UB Lite Coil is designed for Lost Vape UB Lite Pod Kit.
It comes with options
L1 0.4ohm,
L3 0.8ohm,
L5 1.4ohm
L6 : 1.0 Ohm
which will provide massive cloudy vapor and great flavor.
The L1 0.4ohm and L3 0.8ohm coils are for DL vaping,
The L5 1.4ohm and L6 1.0ohmcoil is for MTL vaping.
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Lost Vape UB Lite Series Coil Authentic by Lostvape