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Vandy Vape VVC Coil Authentic - For Jackaroo

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Informasi Produk Vandy Vape VVC Coil Authentic - For Jackaroo

Vandy Vape VVC Coil is designed specifically for use with the Vandy Vape Jackaroo Pod Kit.
The coils are available in 5 types of resistances.
Supports mouth-to-lung and direct-to-lung vaping.

0.15ohm coil (35-60W)
for DL in warmer taste,
suitable for fruit-flavored e-liquid

0.3ohm coil (35-45W)
for DL in longer vaping time,
comfortable taste,
suitable for fruit-flavored e-liquid

0.6ohm coil (18-26W)
for DL in cooler taste,
suitable for fruit-flavored e-liquid

0.9ohm coil (9-16W)
for MTL
suitable for fruit-flavored e-liquid

1.2ohm coil (9-16W)
for MTL
suitable for e-liquid containing nicotine salt

Fit for :
Vandy Vape Jackaroo Pod Kit
Vandy Vape Jackaroo Pod Cartridge


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Vandy Vape VVC Coil Authentic - For Jackaroo
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