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Voopoo PnP Pod Tank Cartridge with 2 Coils & Adapter

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Informasi Produk Voopoo PnP Pod Tank Cartridge with 2 Coils & Adapter

Voopoo PNP Pod Tank for Drag S / X
*100% Authentic by Voopoo Tech

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Glad to introduce the lastest VOOPOO PnP Pod Tank from VOOPOO. The VOOPOO PnP Pod Tank is a new concept of atomizer which is common to Pod and Mod. And the VOOPOO PnP Pod Tank comes with Standard edition 4.5ml and TPD edition 2ml for your option. In addition, the VOOPOO PnP atomizer is compatible with all PnP coils. Featuring double holes Air Intake design and simpler way of refilling e-liquid, the VOOPOO PnP Pod Tank will bring you a relaxed and fantastic vaping experience.

Parameter :
- Size : 63×32mm
- Capacity : Standard 4.5ml&amp;TPD 2ml
- Coils : PnP-VM1 0.3ohm/ PnP-VM6 0.15ohm
- Material of pod : PCTG
- Thread : 510
- Material : Stainless Steel

Features :
- New concept of atomizer
- Common to POD and MOD
- Compatible with all PnP coils
- Double holes Air Intake Design
- Simpler and cleaner way of refilling

Includes :
1× PnP Pod Cartridge
1× PnP Adapter 510 for Atomizer
1× PnP-VM1
1× PnP-VM6
1× User Manual

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Voopoo PnP Pod Tank Cartridge with 2 Coils & Adapter
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