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UCHII Decorative Room Diffuser Glass jar | Vas Aroma Bunga Kering DIY

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Informasi Produk UCHII Decorative Room Diffuser Glass jar | Vas Aroma Bunga Kering DIY

UCHII Decorative Room Home Diffuser Premium Glass Jar Dried Flower Fruit Exclusive Vase Ornament Essential Perfume Aromatherapy Oil | Vas Aroma Bunga Kering DIY

UCHII presents new collection to complete and beautify your beloved home. We're pretty sure you won't find the same beauty in your neighborhood: your kind of DIY decorative room diffuser, builds creativity and elegance in the same time.

Perfectly matches your simple household while easily being moved from one corner to another, it's totally on you to decide which part of your house that urges sweetness on its touch. Our diffuser is an effective and safe way to diffuse continuous fragrance throughout your environment: no smoke, harmless, plus being such flawless decoration in your space.

This set is combined with perfect blended material selection which surely can delight your senses and create a revitalising and uplifting aroma. Its pretty ornaments from whole natural dried materials will release the aroma in such tiny particle into the air.

Product Details
- Bottle : thick amber glass
- Style : autumn / summer / spring
- Usage : oil drop perfume (15ml)
- Package : Proper Gift Box

- Autumn Drop : warm & relief
- Summer Drop : strong & intense
- Spring Drop : fresh & energetic

- Arrange all dried ornaments inside the jar as you like it
- Put oil drops on to the ornaments and let them absorb prior diffuse the aroma
- Leave the glass of beauty in your any preference corner

Factors that affect aroma resistance
1) How many oil you drop in
2) How wide is your room (we suggest to place at maximum 15ms to maximize the fragrance)
3) How humid is your surroundings

Warning: Please do not contact with skin or eyes. If occurs, please rinse with clean water or go to a doctor

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UCHII Decorative Room Diffuser Glass jar | Vas Aroma Bunga Kering DIY
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