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UCHII Premium Portable Laptop Hand Bag | Tas Sleeve Tablet Pad Protect

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Informasi Produk UCHII Premium Portable Laptop Hand Bag | Tas Sleeve Tablet Pad Protect

UCHII Premium Portable Laptop Hand Bag Travel Sleeve Case | Tas Tablet iPad Protect Smart Holder Office School Water/Shock-proof Simple Smart Storage 13" Ultra Thin

Bringing your "work-mates" everywhere has never been so cool before! Be sure that you have our newest office collection before the stock is running out, we only have limited quantity of this product to ensure your stuff won't be so common in the neighborhood. With a lot of unusual features to impress you more, this stuff should have been in your wish list from a long time ago to make your life easier. Not to mention its premium material and simple-modern design, choose whatever color you want to match your daily look

Product Specification
- Material : premium fabric selections (please see picture for details)
- Dimension : 320 x 250 mm
- Recommended Device Size : 13" w/ Ultra Thin Style
- Details : high quality zipper & double front pockets
- Color : black, grey, pink

Product Features
- Extra protection : water repellent & shock proof
- Transformation style : you can simply fold the handle to change the bag into a sleeve
- Careful details : extra rubber bond on the inside to keep your stuffs in place
- Modern style : with #lessismore point of view, we make the design very simple to match everybody's preference
- Easy to clean : wipe effortlessly any dust to make your look stay impressive

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UCHII Premium Portable Laptop Hand Bag | Tas Sleeve Tablet Pad Protect
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